

Love, puker

- a list of books from the bible that i mightve stolen from a website

- 16 Horsepower/Wovenhand

- dream log of notable dreams (page not yet exist)

the blog of disconnection

i have not touched this page in almost a year. I am rather non-committal with any other project other than my visual art. my paintings.. unfortunate.... i studied css in college... havent touched it since. i hope i can make this page into something whenever i feel like it... make this a vertical blog, divs separating blogpost... keep it simplistic as if its a diary... a rather ugly html concoction. i wrote this in an aside tag, then deleted the aside.

it has been a year+

i have 7 days to memorise an entire textbook for my exam. im not worried because i am currently at an A and i need at least 6% to pass the class with 75%. lolll... increased the course load next semester to 3 classes.... so i will have to be studious.

im a bit of a perfectionist so I'd like to maintain a high grade.... so im stressed by the prospect of cramming regardless of passing swimmingly

i set the bar high for myself and one day it wont be realistic anymore

good desember

i did my exam today and i passed. i was in denial because sometimes im convinced i dont know shit. i have a retard complex

anyway.... i drank an apple cider. i'm tired because i've been cramming and fighting off the plague. andrenal fatigue <3

persona melting

i cant really mask at work anymore, lost my professionalism because i dont feel real behind the cubicle. lost any fuchs to give because it feels rather meaningless and thankless work... its just padding inbetween the manifestation of my greatness... in 4 years

the alcohol last week dehydrated me because i became sick with some sort of respitory infection... i am now beating it. I suspect my immune system can no longer hold up anymore after contracting the ch1n4 f1u 2-4 times.

i become a child when im sick, but i have no mom to tuck me in anymore. im 25. ive become my own mother. i cried in the shower in a rather hideous way. the pouring water served as matriarchal consoling hands. im slowly getting better, this bout of illness let up without antibiotics. i was sick the entirety of last year and did not allow to let myself recover...