pick me is another term created to villainize girls for enacting their bioevolutionary traits and their potential to ascend and channel their bpd into an psychological art form. the pickme is enacting her godgiven right to pander to the males sometimes it is a form of survival, another step in an self-actualization journey. remember when siddhartha starved only to find out enlightenment cannot be attained in purely suffering? sometimes a woman has to starve herself of dignity to find enlightenment.
the word pickme has been thrown around so loosely it has lost all of its meanings. you know why you were born? in some ways your mother was pickme'ing. ultimately, marriage is fine final form of pickmeing.
in the sense that men flaunt status, wealth, their attractiveness to appeal to women. however, these men are just considered womanizers or pickup artists but never seen in the same unwarranted scorn of the female pickme variant. men who are missing aspects of status, wealth, attractiveness are just considered simps but never picked on to shreds like pickme women are
it is obvious women like justpearlythings are fundamentally insecure and hate themselves, instead of being recognized for what it is, her behaviour is televised as a circus freak show. how dare women for yearning what they cant have and turning it into an ideology? Pickme women get tarred and feathered so religiously as society discourages any true forms of vulnerability.